Produkty dla kartoffelchips clay (6)

Kreda Pastewna - Gruboziarnista

Kreda Pastewna - Gruboziarnista

CaCO3 95-97%, Ca 39%, Sód 146mg/kg, Fosfor 0,22g/kg, Wilgotność 0,2%
Pringles Original, Chrupiące 165 G

Pringles Original, Chrupiące 165 G

Pringles Original, Crispy 165 G
Suszona ogórka morska

Suszona ogórka morska

Moisture<5% No sand Saltness<2% Color: Black or Brown Weight: 80-100pieces/kg or 160-200pieces/kg Size: 4.5-7.5cm Shelf life:stored in cool,dry place at room temperature to maintain 2years No sugar,no preservatives and chemicals .nutritives are easier for people to absorb
Opakowanie na Chipsy, Przekąski i Popcorn

Opakowanie na Chipsy, Przekąski i Popcorn

Corn puffs are both kids and adults’ favourite snack. In order to preserve the crunchiness, fluffiness and delicateness of a product, we manufacture single-layer polypropylene (BOPP) packaging. We manufacture goods which feature high transparency and gloss. It ensures the fine display of a packed product.
Wapno paszowe - Drobnoziarniste

Wapno paszowe - Drobnoziarniste

CaCO3 95-97%, Ca 39%, Sodium 146mg/kg, Phosphorus 0.22g/kg, Moisture 0.2%
Wapno paszowe - Gruboziarniste

Wapno paszowe - Gruboziarniste

CaCO3 95-97%, Ca 39%, Sodium 146mg/kg, Phosphorus 0.22g/kg, Moisture 0.2%